Thursday, April 2, 2009

"For many are called but few are chosen"

Mathew ch 22 v 14 passage bothers me a lot. Why would so many be called but in the end only few are chosen. Then I look at the state of the church today and get my answer. In many churches, a lot of people look to the pastor to be the one responsible for their walk. What are they thinking? Last time I checked my pastor could not walk on water. When I go before Yeshua, I and I alone will be responsible for my walk not my pastor. Abba is his boss and we need to respect our pastors as if they are our boss as well but not as some god. My pastor is only responsible for his teachings to be biblically accurate and to give sound counsel - not to be Abba. So many people do not learn past the four walls of their church. I don’t expect my pastor to know everything much less teach on it. Abba has my pastor where he needs him to be and teaching the way he is teaching. Not only do I listen to my pastor but I also listen to 3 other pastors. They teach on things my pastor does not. I get a balanced meal. No person can survive on just meat their bodies would go into ketosis as well as a person only eating potatoes will become anemic. Everyone needs to have both biblical foundations and scriptural insight with revelation to grow balanced. A house with pretty windows without a foundation will not stand likewise a foundation without a home would just be empty. It cannot be one or the other. Too many people stay at the bottom of the mountain and never seek Abba to get to the next level. That is not what Abba intended the true church to be. When Yeshua comes for his bride, the true church will be a body of believers not a building. Churches are just ministries and yes it is very necessary to have them for fellowship and accountability, to help the hurting world but we cannot rely on it totally for our growth. That is Abba’s and our responsibility. The Holy Spirit will guide us and direct us. He is our pilot, the pastor is not. It is up to us to read the word and have fellowship with Abba to grow. Our pastor should only be one of many tools Abba uses to shape us into what he needs us to be.

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