Sunday, February 5, 2023

Who do you say that I AM?

Several weeks ago on Shabbat, I was sitting at my desk thinking about Abba and Yeshua again and who was what in the Tanach.  I felt the nudging of Holy Spirit say “ask Him.” So I said to Abba, “So when was it you and when was it Yeshua?” Abba was so excited to answer, like He couldn’t even wait, with joy and excitement He says “I cloned myself!” l said ahh oh, ok. It didn’t sink in the gravity of His answer. I went about doing other things and a few days later, I started thinking about Abba’s answer and all of a sudden Yeshua downloads understanding into me about what Abba was talking about. The look on my face was priceless at that moment. With my mouth gaped opened, I was at awe.

     You can only be the same exact person if your cloned. You see, I can’t call Abba and Yeshua identical twins because even with that they are not identical. They would have their own thumbprint even though it’s very very close, the DNA is still not exactly the same as well as the duration of the gestation and the time that the eggs split into two separate eggs forming the DNA during development but with a clone, you have two identical, exact DNA’s.

     So what Yeshua began to show me was that His DNA was exactly like Abba’s and he had the ability to do anything like His Dad had done. He was able to do whatever Abba needed Him to do and of course His personality is not going to be the same as His Dad’s but physically they can do same thing with one twist. Abba is Holy and cannot be around sin but Yeshua can. What really makes this really amazing, and yes I’m still geeking out about this, time means nothing to Abba. Yeshua wonkavator His way through time. So when the elders saw Him on Mount Sinai, when He met Abraham and Sara, when held the torch, and was also probably Melchizedek, He came as Yeshua the 33 year old. Why, because He can. Abba could never do that because He is Holy! Yeshua can do that, because he became man & dealt with sin and death!