Thursday, August 20, 2009

"What a mess!"

These pics are from my grape vine I planted 12yrs ago. (click on pic to see better) The vine was a little over a foot tall and I used a tomato cage for support. I wanted it to grow a little first before I start to prune it and tie it to a wire fence. As you can see I haven't touched it in about 10 years. The Blackberry vine bushes are now mixed in with the grape vines. Ouch! Serves me right for letting it grow that wild. In the next couple of weeks, I will try to cut back the berry vines and in Feb I'll be able to start pruning the vine. Having a grape vine requires a lot of attention. Just in the first year of its growth, the vine requires constant watering for root development. Also the vine in the next 3 years also requires to be shaped, pruned, & molded on the wire fence to continue to grow in that direction. In John ch 15, I understand more now what Yeshua is saying "I am the true vine, and My Father is the vine dresser" Abba cares for us. Just like a vine we require a lot of attention too. If we let Abba shape, prune, & mold us, we will bear much fruit for Him. He wants to see His vine branches grow and takes delight in us when we do.

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