Sunday, August 9, 2009

“Wii - like to play”

When I was 13, my parents bought a Nintendo game system for the family @ Christmas. My baby brother Steve was 7 and would severely kick every one’s butt. The only game I would even have a chance was Super Mario Bros. The only bad thing about the game was the person had to die before the next person could play. Steve and I would play for points and boards - no warps. This is normal unless you had a brother like Steve. He was so proficient at the game he would never die until he reached level 8 (two hours later) and to make matters worse he always could finish the section in under 100 seconds. So he usually had at least 200 seconds left and would go thru the boards breaking every brick he could find for points. It would take so long for my turn that I had to start a new rule “No unnecessary brick breaking”It was always a uphill battle. The playing field was never even until Nintendo made the Wii. I can definitely say this, Nintendo finally reprieve all the siblings that would get creamed by their brothers & sisters. Playing the Wii doesn’t require “fastest thumbs in the west” anymore but forces the person to engage in battle allowing the person to do the fighting rather than the computer controlling us. The person is now the controller. It balances the playing field. When we accept Yeshua, satan has no more control over us. Abba is in control of our life now. We have a free will to choose, grow, learn. “Wii - like to play”

1 Wii console = $ 250.00
1 Wii Controller w/ nunchuk = $ 40.00
1 Wii Fit w/ Balance Board = $ 80.00
Finally being able to beat your smarty pants baby brother @ Nintendo…Priceless


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