Saturday, December 12, 2009

"You know better than I"

Every year for Mother’s day my Fire House holds a flower fundraiser. Two doz roses for 19.99 and a variety of plants and hanging baskets. Two years ago at the fundraiser, I bought a hibiscus bush for my mom. Hibiscuses are tropical plants. They cannot handle temperatures under 40. In early fall that year; there was a very cold night. I did bring it in that night but the damage was already done. By the third day every leaf and branch was damaged except one it was still alive. I was so happy. I nurtured it back to health and I am still getting flowers (see pic) and it is December. This is way better than poinsettias. This reminds me of a part in the movie “Joseph king of dreams” where Joseph fixes a plant and it gets strong again. This is a great analogy from both plants. Abba will not let us go beyond the point of no return. He will always give us a way to grow but we must choose that and He will give us the desire and hope to get up and go again no matter what.

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