Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Key to Worship

   What is worship for a true believer?  It is a love relationship between you and Abba, a father loving his kids while we get to love Him back. So what is the key? It is a total surrender of your nefesh. Unfortunately, this is the one area that is most misunderstood when we are to be one with Him in spirit & truth. What does that mean to a true believer? In the Spirit, our nefesh allows us to feel His heart, His love, His peace as He talks to us. It is not just hearing Him, you feel His emotions, His nudging’s, His Spirit guiding and showing us. Truth – is the result of what comes out of our nefesh. It will always say what is in your heart, no matter what is in there, because you have no control over it. You have no thoughts. Your words and emotions just pour out of you and spiritually speaking, that is what speaks to Abba. Abba is Spirit and we must be in the Spirit to be in His presence. What is bad about this is no one can teach you. You are the only one that can connect with Abba because your nefesh must be one with Him. That is what true intimacy is with Abba. How can you know? Because of the peace you will have. Remember how we were when we were first born again? The peace we had? True intimacy we had. We need to go back to our first love. Worship is the key to that. We all love “love songs” that special one that reminds us of the love of our life every time we hear it. We need that worship song to exalt Him and give Him respect but at the same time to love Him. He is our Abba(Daddy). Dennis Jernigan is one of my favorite worship song writers. He has an album called “We Will Worship”. My favorite song ever is “You Are My Glory / When the Night Is Falling” here is the words to the song enjoy :O)
    You may have thought that worship was simply our expression of praise to God but worship is so much more than us just singing to him or even about Him. Worship also means God expressing His heart back to us. Are you listening? What is he saying to you right now? Our father’s desire for you is that you’d know how much delight he takes in your presence. Now I love to sing songs of peace & comfort over my own children in the night and I’m an earthly father, so how much more our heavenly father loves to sing over us? God’s word, according to Zephaniah 3:17, says this “For the Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save and He will take great delight in you and He will quiet you with His love and He will rejoice over you with singing.”

When I think of joy,
You come on my mind
For You are like the richest treasure
I could ever find

Joy to me is you,
Child you are who I'm after
And did you know
You bring joy and laughter
To my soul

You are my glory
You are my song,
The apple of my eye, my heart
Is home where You belong

You are my glory,
You are my love song,
You are the glory of my heart;
You are my song

You are my glory,
You are my song,
The apple of my eye, my heart
Is home where you belong

You are my glory,
You are my love song,
You are the glory of my heart;
You are my song
You are the glory of my heart;
You are my song.

When the night is falling
And the day is done,
I can hear you calling, "Come."
And I will come
While you sing over me.

When the night surrounds me,
All my dreams undone,
I can hear you calling, "Come."
And I will come
While you sing over me.

When the night would hide my way,
I will listen until
I hear you say:

"How I love you, child, I love you.
How I love you, child, I love you.
How I love you!

"How I love you, child, I love you.
How I love you, child, I love you.
How I love you!"

Hallelujah, hallelujah,
Hallelujah, hallelujah!

How I love you, Lord, I love you.
How I love you, Lord, I love you.
How I love you!

When this life is over
And the race is done,
I will hear you calling, "Come."
I will come
While you sing over me.

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