Tisa's blog

Friday, September 27, 2024

Now Is The Time

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Moves & Counter moves

 Growing up, I saw a documentary about Coral Castle. I got hooked right in. It intrigued me so much. I read all I could about it. I even made a little notebook with stuff in it from his books & articles. Ed would speak in riddles in his books. On the physics side of it, I wanted to know what the truth was. I knew physics was behind it, but I couldn’t understand his knowledge of how he knew this?

Several years ago, I learned about cold fusion. In Genesis, it talks about the Spirit of God hovering over the waters. Not only did she hover over the waters, it says she vibrated. When I read that, I immediately thought of cold fusion. Then recently I started to think about Ed’s property and what he did. He used magnetism inside his books to explain it but I think Ed knew about cold fusion and design his property as one giant cold fusion tank for the energy he needed to reverse the polarity. 

    So what is cold fusion?

In 1989 Andrea Rossi had developed cold fusion. There have been others over the years to try to develop their “fusion tank”

  • when you fuse 2 atoms of hydrogen you get heavy water, Deuterium D2o.  Deuterium water and a Palladium rod inside of it hit with an electric current, the deuterium would infuse inside Palladium rod and would become trapped inside the metal lattice atoms. After the electric current goes thru the rod, it’s starts to vibrate creating energy. 

Ed had pipes around his yard going into the ground. He would have a box on top of his tripod with rods in it. He also had a small round generator that created electric current when he spun the wheel. That wheel had bars on it. I think that was the pattern he had on his property of different palladium rods being put into those pipes with a high water table, creating vibration to help lift those rocks. In the end, Ed died of stomach cancer and the truth was lost.

     Kim Clement spoke about a new energy coming. I believe it’s going to be cold fusion. I know that Saudi Arabia is very low in oil. They are using this tactic to control the oil market. The global leaders know this, creating fake climate change, and do not want other countries to control the oil. Look at everything that is going electrical. No nation has enough electricity to cover this. Whoever gets this new energy, will be able to run everything electrical and infuse this into the global markets with money, coming out on top. This is what I believe they will try to use for their New World order and the collapse of the dollar. Kim says the US will have the new energy. Certain people have said that a block of this could heat a home for over two years. Whatever Abba is up to, we need to hear His Spirit and obey Yeshua. The persecution is going to be real during the great harvest. We don’t have much time left. Seek Him with all your heart and obey before it’s too late.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Mighty Warrior!

Sunday, July 7, 2024


      Lately I have been thinking about why it seems only within a few hundred years, people have completely removed themselves away from Abba. Adam after the garden & Noah, after the flood. Of course, when this happens, I know I’m gonna be taught something. Because it’s always put on my Nefesh first and then I ponder about it. Then I start seeing things around me and the Holy Spirit opening my eyes to it with Yeshua explaining things.

To make the long story short first, Lucifer and his demons have you watched and to know your in’s and out’s. A strategy so they can manipulate you to your every move.To control you for their bidding You’re just another chess piece to them. You’re on the board to be manipulate, hurt and block the moves & the love of God. Lucifer wants to destroy you anything that has to do with Abba & his kids. Even if you do help him, you’re on his hit list.

OK, with that said, so now how does he do it? I mean seriously, 300 years? You’re gonna walk away from God in only 300 years? Granite, Adam had a lot of crap going on with the Nephilim, the spirit realm being known, half breed demons taking power and other things like that but Noah? he had a clean slate his sons saw the power of God and yet they still turned? They created their own kingdoms against God fighting and killing their brothers and sisters. And yes, we are all related!!! Just like Adam & Eve, with Noah, the same thing happened. Generations have been killing each other in the name of their demon gods! As Abba would put it, “my people perish from the lack of knowledge.”

We talk about how Lucifer is the master deceiver. He will use the knowledge of good and evil to propagate evil. To spread it far and wide to destroy God’s kids.

Having them forget who God is. Enjoy the lust of their flesh and deny God, intimacy. Lucifer can put thoughts and feelings in you for you to act on them. Those demons know all your hangups. If you’re not rooted in God to stop the invasion of your mind and the feelings to follow it, you’re a sitting duck. 

There is this famous post, where they talk about a person who had to choose, but he was sitting on the fence. God walks away, and Satan tells him to come. he says “No, I did not choose.” then Satan responds. I own the fence. what people don’t realize, not only does he own the fence, he owns the whole world and the heaven above it . Remember Satan is a master manipulator. He will literally copy everything that Abba does and twisted to evil for example people claiming to be gay, now granted there are things that happened to a person that would cause this mental issue from abuse. But I’m talking about their feelings, they say they know they are gay. No that’s not what’s really is happening. Satan, the master manipulator, will do what the Holy Spirit does but forces you to sin. He does the equal opposite of what God does, cause you to sin and have you stay in your sin. The Holy Spirit will give you nudging, reveal things to you, and talk to you. Unfortunately, Satan does the same thing, but you are sinning! The difference is he does it for evil and wants you to be evil and sin. God will never get you to sin! Satan, the master manipulator will always be there to put feelings inside you. It’s up to you not to act on them. In the ninth month of my gestation, my mom was in a head-on collision. I was doused with testosterone. A boy will normally get a second dose of testosterone in the ninth month, making him analytical, having muscle mass and male characteristics. If the female gets it, she tends to be a tomboy with strong muscle mass and analytical skills. That’s me, but I never had the desire to be with another female because I grew up knowing God. So when I was in my last semester at college, I was on the bus coming home when Lucifer tried to put inside me feelings for another female. I got so grossed out the feelings he tried to put in me. Then a month later he tried to do it again. I was still so grossed out. It never worked for him. He couldn’t use that to destroy my life. Remember he does the equal opposite to get you to sin. You always hear “to be in this world, but not of it” “I have a word ruled mind” “The heart is continually evil, guard your heart(nefesh)” That’s why a person goes off the rails and does the most demonic evil things. The demon doesn’t even have to possess the person, they just get him to do their bidding. If the person has harden their heart, it’s much easier for Lucifer to manipulate them. In the end times, Yeshua talks about how the love of many has grown cold. This is just one aspect of what Satan does to change peoples hearts he takes and manipulates many things that what is good from God, he will twist it for evil, for people to sin and for others to not to know the glory of God. That’s why we as believers, have to have the Holy Spirit of God in us to counter with what Lucifer does! He manipulates God’s kids into being Lucifer’s kids. Tell me this day whom you will serve.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Who do you say that I AM?

Several weeks ago on Shabbat, I was sitting at my desk thinking about Abba and Yeshua again and who was what in the Tanach.  I felt the nudging of Holy Spirit say “ask Him.” So I said to Abba, “So when was it you and when was it Yeshua?” Abba was so excited to answer, like He couldn’t even wait, with joy and excitement He says “I cloned myself!” l said ahh oh, ok. It didn’t sink in the gravity of His answer. I went about doing other things and a few days later, I started thinking about Abba’s answer and all of a sudden Yeshua downloads understanding into me about what Abba was talking about. The look on my face was priceless at that moment. With my mouth gaped opened, I was at awe.

     You can only be the same exact person if your cloned. You see, I can’t call Abba and Yeshua identical twins because even with that they are not identical. They would have their own thumbprint even though it’s very very close, the DNA is still not exactly the same as well as the duration of the gestation and the time that the eggs split into two separate eggs forming the DNA during development but with a clone, you have two identical, exact DNA’s.

     So what Yeshua began to show me was that His DNA was exactly like Abba’s and he had the ability to do anything like His Dad had done. He was able to do whatever Abba needed Him to do and of course His personality is not going to be the same as His Dad’s but physically they can do same thing with one twist. Abba is Holy and cannot be around sin but Yeshua can. What really makes this really amazing, and yes I’m still geeking out about this, time means nothing to Abba. So Yeshua wonkavator His way through time. So when the elders saw Him on Mount Sinai, when He met Abraham and Sara, when held the torch, and was also probably Melchizedek, He came as Yeshua the 33 year old. Why, because He can. Abba could never do that because He is Holy! Yeshua can do that, because he became man & dealt with sin and death!

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

God behind bars

One of the things I do is every year is pick out a ministry and give money to that ministry for a full year. In December I picked God behind bars. I love this ministry so much. It is one of my favorites. I’m gonna keep this ministry as one of my permanent ones. The strength and love he has for people through this ministry makes the Holy Spirit jump around inside me. Compassion, understanding spreading the gospel to the Untouchables. It is so great to see The Holy Spirit’s work in all of this. Here is the link to a podcast with him on it. Plus all info as well, Shalom.

Bringing God to Death Row Inmates Featuring the Founder & CEO of God Behind Bars Jake Bodine
Abundant Hope

Jake Bodine is the Founder & CEO of God Behind Bars. Jake is passionate about helping those who are lost to find hope and faith through Jesus. He uses his talents to change the world for those behind prison walls and reunite broken families. Jake has served as the CEO of God Behind Bars for almost 9 years and was recently named of the Top 40 Leaders in the city of Las Vegas. He lives in Las Vegas with his wife, Danielle, and 5 children.

Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/abundant-hope/id1616952315?i=1000567461457

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Spiritual warfare! We are warriors! Fight on your knees!

Kim Clement is a true believer. Abba has gifted him with prophecy. I attached a few of his ministry videos. Abba has also gifted him as a musician. As you watch him, you can see he uses music and his “garden” to go before Abba in his presence. He still has to quiet his nefesh. Peter had to do the same thing. Going before Abba asking to heal the girl. Peter knows he does not have power to heal her. It is from the power of the Holy Spirit, doing Abba’s will. That’s why he had to get permission. We are not allowed to do it on our own. I remember once a teacher explaining that he could get into the spirit realm very easily and he could see demons too while standing in front of the congregation. On one occasion, he tried to get the demon out in a possessed person but it wasn’t listening until the possessed person spoke it out. He is very lucky the demon didn’t hurt him. He was not given the permission or authority to do this because he never asked. He tried to do this in his own power. Hopefully that man can overcome from the demons that will be coming back 7 fold. Also, is that person truly born again? Going into the spirit that easy? Anybody can go in the spirit illegally by demonic powers but to get in the presence of Abba, it has to be through The power of the Holy Spirit. She brings you to His thrown room.

   Acts 19:13-16 “And also some of the Jewish exorcists who were going around tried to speak the name of the Lord Y’shua over the ones who had evil spirits saying, “I implore you by Y’shua Whom Paul preaches and seven sons of a certain Sceva, a high priest of Judea, were doing this. But when the evil spirit answered it said to them, “Indeed I know Y’shua and I am acquainted with Paul, but yourselves, who are you?” 16. And the man in whom was the evil spirit, leaping upon them, was strong, overpowering all of them so that as they were wounded and nearly naked, they had to flee away from that house.

   Matthew 7:21-23 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord. Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of the Heavens, but the one who does the will of My Father, the One in the heavens. Many will say to Me in that Day, ‘Lord. Lord! Did we not prophesy in Your name? And we cast out demons in Your name, and we did many miracles in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them that ‘I never knew you: you working without Torah (Teaching) must continually depart from Me.’”

   I remember reading this once. Jesus could’ve gone all around healing everyone that he wished including at the pool of Siloam. Why didn’t he? Because he was following what the Holy Spirit wanted him to do through the heart of Abba. That is the key. As believers we need to be able to go in the Spirit, hearing Abba. Our desire coming straight out of our heart (nefesh) should be to obey. Who we are and what we do comes out of our nefesh.  When we are in the spirit our mind is shutoff, we don’t get to think before we speak, it just pours out of you. That’s why when the Spirit helps us, what comes out of our nefesh, has to be of Abba. It can’t be what we want to do. So when the Holy Spirit told me to help the guy on that bus and touch him so he will be healed from his disability, I freaked out. I thought of myself instead of that person. I was selfish, immature and not ready to do the works Abba wanted me to do through the power of the Holy Spirit. That was a wake up call for me. I needed to mature more. I need to be face-to-face all the time. So His will would be number one in my life. Thankfully I have matured more since then and I have been doing some things for Him but it’s not enough. I need to surrender 24/7. I need to be in the garden Face to face with Abba all the time. Kim used music to stir his nefesh and love Abba. We need to find that one thing also to stir our nefesh and love Abba! To be His 

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Casting Crowns - Nobody

Why You ever chose me

Has always been a mystery

All my life I've been told I belong

At the end of the line

With all the other not-quites

With all the never-get-it-rights

But it turns out they're the ones You were looking for

All this time

'Cause I'm just a nobody

Trying to tell everybody

All about Somebody

Who saved my soul

Ever since You rescued me

You gave my heart a song to sing

I'm living for the world to see

Nobody but Jesus

I'm living for the world to see

Nobody but Jesus

Moses had stage fright

When David brought a rock to a sword fight

You picked twelve outsiders nobody would have chosen

And You changed the world

Well the moral of the story is

Everybody's got a purpose

So when I hear that devil start talking to me saying

"Who do you think you are?"

I say

I'm just a nobody

Trying to tell everybody

All about Somebody

Who saved my soul

Ever since You rescued me

You gave my heart a song to sing

I'm living for the world to see

Nobody but Jesus

I'm living for the world to see

Nobody but Jesus

So let me go down, down, down in history

As another blood-bought faithful member of a family

And if they all forget my name, well that's fine with me

I'm living for the world to see

Nobody but Jesus

So let me go down, down, down in history (Goin' down in history)

As another blood-bought faithful member of a family

(That's all I ever wanna be)

And if they all forget my name, well that's fine with me

I'm living for the world to see

Nobody but Jesus

'Cause I'm just a nobody

Trying to tell everybody

All about Somebody

Who saved my soul

(Gonna save, gonna save my soul)

Ever since You rescued me

You gave my heart a song to sing

(You gave me a song to sing)

I'm living for the world to see

Nobody but Jesus

(Nobody but You, Lord)

I'm living for the world to see

Nobody but Jesus

I'm living for the world to see

Nobody but Jesus

Casting Crowns - Lifesong

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Ron in Zedekiahs cave 1996

The Denial of the Sabbath day

What causes us to believe in a system vs Abba showing us the truth? People are so set in their ways, they have harden their heart. They cannot see the forest through the trees. Every rule and regulation is bound in their heart nothing can penetrate it except for the Holy Spirit. Even then they reject her also. The Pharisees had a grip on the people. Most would not listen to Yeshua. The unbelief is still there today.
     In Daniel 7:23-27 “Thus he said, The fourth beast will be the fourth kingdom on earth, which will be different from all kingdoms and will devour the whole earth and will tread it down and break it in pieces and the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that will arise, (Rev. 17:12) and another will stand after them, and he will be different from the first, and he will subdue three kings and he will speak blasphemous words against the Most High and will wear out the holy ones of the Most High and think to change times and laws, and they will be given into his hand until a time and times and half a time but the court will sit and they will take away his dominion to consume and to destroy it at the end and the kingdom and dominion and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the holy ones of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and all dominions will serve and obey Him, (Rev. 20:4; 22:5).”
    Lucifer has done everything in his power to change the times in the seasons that Abba has ordained. Easter & Christmas is no different. In Mark7:7-9 Yeshua said “In vain are they worshipping Me. When they teach for instruction the commandments of men.’ (Isa.29:13) Having canceled the commandment of God you are holding the tradition of men and He was saying to them, “You are just rejecting the commandment of God, so that you could establish your tradition.”
 Truly the people are blinded by his tactics “the whole forest through the trees” issue. He’s stopping the intimacy we should have with Abba and to hear His Spirit! He was even able to manipulate 1/3 of the angels to come with him. When are we going to quiet our nefesh and listen to the Holy Spirit? Who really changed the sabbath day, Lucifer or Abba?


My Imma wears a golden star
That twinkles in the light
Of candles as she turns her hands
To spread their warmth tonight

Shabbat, Shabbat
Island of peace and rest
In the feast of Shabbat
The people of God are blessed

My Abba lifts the bread and wine
As we bless our God most high
Creator of the heavens and earth
Hallelu et Adonai

Shabbat, Shabbat
Island of peace and rest
In the feast of Shabbat
The people of God are blessed

The angels join us as we sing
With joy our candles glow
The heavens will touch the earth tonight
The hearts of wise men know

Shabbat, Shabbat
Island of peace and rest
In the feast of Shabbat
The people of God are blessed

Messiah will reign from Jerusalem
And lawlessness will cease
The earth will have one thousand years
Of God's own Sabbath peace

Shabbat, Shabbat
Island of peace and rest
In the feast of Shabbat
The people of God are blessed

Friday, November 26, 2021

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Monday, June 21, 2021

First Love

 “They hear me but do not listen.”Yeshua said to me that day. I was so close, I could almost touch them. I wanted to shake them awake. From above it look like a giant bullseye and they we’re all going to the center, falling in. On the outside edge, Yeshua was so close to them but their nefesh(hearts) were so far, hardened and unavailable. Relying on their own merits of being a good Christian, praying but not surrendering to His will, not being intimate with Abba and hearing His Spirit. Their first love was themselves. They are not ready to be His Bride. They were already divorced in their eyes, walking with the world and it’s religion. How can a bride be intimate with her husband, if she doesn’t seek him and runs off doing her own thing? They are too busy doing things of the Lord without the power of the Holy Spirit. The only way you can do the gifts of the Spirit is with the power of the Holy Spirit. She will guiding you to do Abba’s will for you, She knows what is in His Heart. 1 Corinthians 2:6-15, Paul talks about The Holy Spirit searches the deep things of God. In verses 10-12, No one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. Yeshua has warned us He said, In Rev. 2:4-5 to the Church of Ephesus “ 4. Nevertheless I have against you that you left your first love. 5. Therefore you must remember from where you have fallen and you must now repent and you must do the works you did at first: and if not, I am coming to you and I shall remove your menorah from its place, if you would not repent.” Seek Him with all your heart before it’s too late.

I Never Knew You

(Matt. 7:21-23)

21. “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord. Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of the Heavens, but the one who does the will of My Father, the One in the heavens. 22. Many will say to Me in that Day, ‘Lord. Lord! Did we not prophesy in Your name? And we cast out demons in Your name, and we did many miracles in Your name?’ 23. And then I will declare to them that ‘I never knew you: you working without Torah (Teaching)7 must continually depart from Me.’”

The Narrow Door

(Luke 13:22-30)

22. Then He was going through city after city, and town after town, teaching and making His way to Jerusalem. 23. And someone said to Him, “Lord, are those being saved just a few?” But He said to them, 24. “You must continually strive to enter through the narrow door, because many, I say to you, will seek to enter, but they will not be strong enough. 25. Whenever the Master of the house would rise and shut the door and you would begin to stand outside and to knock on the door saying, ‘Sir, you must immediately open to us,’ then He will say to you, ‘I do not know you or where you are from.’ 26. Then you will begin to say, ‘We ate and drank in Your presence and You taught in our streets:’ 27. and He will speak, saying to you, ‘I do not know you or where you are from: you must immediately depart from Me, all you workers of unrighteousness.’ 28. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth there, when you would see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the Kingdom of God, but you being cast outside. 29. Then they will be present from east and west and from north and south and they will recline in the Kingdom of God. 30. And behold those who are first will be last and those who are last will be first.”