There are many fallacies people have about God. He is only spirit, He does not have hands and a face, He deals with us from afar, you really can't know Him, only Jesus can relate to you....Seriously???!!!! How sad is it that people don't know who God really is. For one, he is our dad! And I love calling Him Abba, meaning daddy. Romans 8:15 says ”We cry out, Abba! Father!” In the prodigal son, Yeshua wasn’t talking about Himself! Yeshua was in constant prayer and was intimate with Him! Aren’t we supposed to follow what Yeshua did? We need to bring back the intimacy the early church had and was lost when the institutional church leaders compromise with Constantine and let him change the rules at the council of Nicea. That finally destroyed the early church and quench the Holy Spirit. The church leaders had no clue who Abba was and had no intimacy with Him or His Spirit and turned their back’s to the Jewish roots. Everything Yeshua taught and spoke on they ignored and set up their own golden calf “Religion.”
Replacement theology flourish and the demonic reign of the catholic church began and unfortunately the institutional churches that spawned off of Catholicism still quench the Holy Spirit and have no intimacy with Abba. They exalts their pastor as Jesus. They are doing the same thing when Abba talked to His people at the base of the mountain and they just wanted Moshe to do it. Exodus 20:18-21 “All the people experienced the thunder, the lightning, the sound of the shofar, and the mountain smoking. When the people saw it, they trembled. Standing at a distance, they said to Moshe, “You, speak with us; and we will listen. But don’t let God speak with us, or we will die.” Moshe answered the people, “Don’t be afraid, because God has come only to test you and make you fear him, so that you won’t commit sins.” So the people stood at a distance, but Moshe approached the murkiness where God was.”
Do people really want to be holy & walk in righteousness before Abba? To walk as Yeshua walked hearing the Holy Spirit and doing the will of His Dad? Moshe talked with Abba face to face. Moshe wasn’t without sin but he was holy & walk in righteousness before Abba. He even wanted to see Abba but ended up seeing His hand & back. Moshe would talk with Abba and knew Him one on one. It says in Exodus 33:11, “Adonai would speak to Moshe face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. Then he would return to the camp; but the young man who was his assistant, Y’hoshua the son of Nun, never left the inside of the tent.” So not only did Moshe talk with Abba, Joshua was there too.
When I wrote “Come my child, come” in my earlier blogs, I got to see Abba. He was calling me to come to Him. He was sitting on a marble white throne. I saw his hand, it was a human adult hand. From the top of His chest there was a white cloud. I couldn’t see His face but to Abba’s right was Yeshua with His hands out to me. I ran to Him and hugged Him. As I was in His arms, I asked “do these people not hear you?” He said “they hear me but do not listen” They were so close but still couldn’t reach them. They had their backs to Yeshua. I wanted to grab them and show them Yeshua. They know who He is but they had lost their first love. Now they are just lovers of themselves, not having intimacy with Abba and quenching the Spirit out of disobedience. In the Spirit, I have kissed Abba on the cheek. I did see a little bit of His cheek but my eyes closed again. I was talking to Him and thanked Him with a kiss. He happily said “Oooh, I get a kiss too.” Plus He doesn’t have a beard like Yeshua does.
There is nothing special to do to talk to Abba. Just be yourself. Remember “There is no secret ingredient....It’s just you.” With Abba there is no secret way to talk to Him. Seriously, there really isn’t. People in their religious mindset make it out to be that way with unbelief. It is the unbelief or lack of trust that does it. The pure in heart shall see God. What is really sad, religion is what is driving Abba away. What satan has meant for evil, Abba turns to good. People are finally starting to see religion as man made and are coming back to the truth but what is missing? Intimacy with Abba. True praise and worship music will set you nefesh (heart) on the right path but you still need that first love in your heart. Best way I can explain it is, focus on what He has done. Worship music helps but you need to get in that mindset. Focusing your love on Abba, the Spirit will do the rest. How do you know? Because you just won’t hear them, you feel their emotions. Straight in the nefesh. Where is your nefesh? Near your gut. Think of it this way. When you passionately kiss your love, where does your mind go? It feels like it is coming out of your gut. Remember. When you are in the Spirit, your brain is shut off, you don’t have the ability to stop before you speak. It flows out of your nefesh, the good & the bad.
Talking to Him is great but to really bring something before Abba, it needs to make that “18 drop” to your nefesh. That is what we can’t do the Holy Spirit does for us. In Romans 8:26-27 “Similarly, the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we don’t know how to pray the way we should. But the Spirit pleads on our behalf with groanings too deep for words; and the one who searches hearts knows exactly what the Spirit is thinking, because the Spirit’s pleadings for God’s people accord with God’s will.
It is very important to have that intimacy, to really hear them talk to us. When Yeshua talks to me He is ALWAYS on my right including when I’m in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit, She is ALWAYS on my left including when I’m in the Spirit and Abba is ALWAYS in the CENTER, Face to Face. People who go in the Spirit illegally, don’t talk to Abba. They are talking to the one who masquerades himself as an “angel of light.” The demons fear Abba. They have no authority other then what you give permission to. Mostly because of sin.
So what do we do next? We need to obey Him, follow His commandments, He needs us to overcome. To be not of this world, but to be sons and daughters of righteousness. To walk in the Spirit by hearing Him, doing His will like Yeshua did. We are in the last days. Most of the church just wants the rapture. Really? What are we here for then? Just to go thru the motions and say Halleluyah once in a while? What about all the people who need to know Him. We are in Gods army! Don’t shirk your duties and go awol. We must step up and become who Abba created us to be and stop being "Religious Church People" and have true intimacy with Abba and hear His Spirit, walk as Yeshua walked. He cereated us for a reason and knew it before we were born. Seek Him and do His will before it is to late.