Saturday, February 12, 2022

Spiritual warfare! We are warriors! Fight on your knees!

Kim Clement is a true believer. Abba has gifted him with prophecy. I attached a few of his ministry videos. Abba has also gifted him as a musician. As you watch him, you can see he uses music and his “garden” to go before Abba in his presence. He still has to quiet his nefesh. Peter had to do the same thing. Going before Abba asking to heal the girl. Peter knows he does not have power to heal her. It is from the power of the Holy Spirit, doing Abba’s will. That’s why he had to get permission. We are not allowed to do it on our own. I remember once a teacher explaining that he could get into the spirit realm very easily and he could see demons too while standing in front of the congregation. On one occasion, he tried to get the demon out in a possessed person but it wasn’t listening until the possessed person spoke it out. He is very lucky the demon didn’t hurt him. He was not given the permission or authority to do this because he never asked. He tried to do this in his own power. Hopefully that man can overcome from the demons that will be coming back 7 fold. Also, is that person truly born again? Going into the spirit that easy? Anybody can go in the spirit illegally by demonic powers but to get in the presence of Abba, it has to be through The power of the Holy Spirit. She brings you to His thrown room.

   Acts 19:13-16 “And also some of the Jewish exorcists who were going around tried to speak the name of the Lord Y’shua over the ones who had evil spirits saying, “I implore you by Y’shua Whom Paul preaches and seven sons of a certain Sceva, a high priest of Judea, were doing this. But when the evil spirit answered it said to them, “Indeed I know Y’shua and I am acquainted with Paul, but yourselves, who are you?” 16. And the man in whom was the evil spirit, leaping upon them, was strong, overpowering all of them so that as they were wounded and nearly naked, they had to flee away from that house.

   Matthew 7:21-23 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord. Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of the Heavens, but the one who does the will of My Father, the One in the heavens. Many will say to Me in that Day, ‘Lord. Lord! Did we not prophesy in Your name? And we cast out demons in Your name, and we did many miracles in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them that ‘I never knew you: you working without Torah (Teaching) must continually depart from Me.’”

   I remember reading this once. Jesus could’ve gone all around healing everyone that he wished including at the pool of Siloam. Why didn’t he? Because he was following what the Holy Spirit wanted him to do through the heart of Abba. That is the key. As believers we need to be able to go in the Spirit, hearing Abba. Our desire coming straight out of our heart (nefesh) should be to obey. Who we are and what we do comes out of our nefesh.  When we are in the spirit our mind is shutoff, we don’t get to think before we speak, it just pours out of you. That’s why when the Spirit helps us, what comes out of our nefesh, has to be of Abba. It can’t be what we want to do. So when the Holy Spirit told me to help the guy on that bus and touch him so he will be healed from his disability, I freaked out. I thought of myself instead of that person. I was selfish, immature and not ready to do the works Abba wanted me to do through the power of the Holy Spirit. That was a wake up call for me. I needed to mature more. I need to be face-to-face all the time. So His will would be number one in my life. Thankfully I have matured more since then and I have been doing some things for Him but it’s not enough. I need to surrender 24/7. I need to be in the garden Face to face with Abba all the time. Kim used music to stir his nefesh and love Abba. We need to find that one thing also to stir our nefesh and love Abba! To be His