Saturday, April 21, 2018

The Rubber Ball

    Did you ever noticed how the Bible follows the Ten Commandments form? What I mean is, you got the Tanakh representing the first five commandments then the Gospel & writings representing the last of the commandments. I remember a pastor once speaking about the first five commandments represent how we interact with Abba and the last five commandments is for His kids. It is definitely the same with the Bible. The Tanakh is how we have interacted with Abba and the gospels & writings show how we interact with our neighbors. Aren’t we representing Yeshua here on earth? And what are we representing? God’s love.
    One day, a few years ago, I was driving to work and talking to Abba. I don’t remember how I got on the subject but I asked why lucifer is that way and God’s agape love. Yeshua said to me “it would take to long” referring to my “God’s agape love” comment but then He starts to show me a brief glimpse in my spirit how Abba operates. The best way I can explain it is using this analogy, the rubber ball.
     Now think as if LOVE was tangible, if it had a molecular structure like a rubber bouncing ball. Now this ball of rubber cannot be a cookie or a motorcycle, it can only be a rubber ball and nothing else. Every part of its functionality operates one way. The same way on who Abba is. Abba is LOVE. He doesn’t operate outside of LOVE. His functionality operates as LOVE. Every thought, action, and deed operates as LOVE and nothing else.
     Now think as if EVIL was tangible, if it had a molecular structure like a tennis ball. It can bounce, it is round, it tries to act like the rubber ball but it can never be the same as the rubber ball. The same way who lucifer is. Everything it does is EVIL. It doesn’t operate outside of EVIL. It’s functionality operates as EVIL. Every thought, action, and deed operates as EVIL and nothing else. He is the father of it. He has the knowledge of good and evil. He is the master deceiver and anything Abba does, he will create an equal opposite to deceive and draw ABBA’s creation away from Him. Abba is LOVE and cannot operate in EVIL OR BE APART OF IT. Abba is LOVE and He sent His son Yeshua to be His intercessor to deal with EVIL and be the sacrificial lamb to take the sin away. Now we have that right to have intimacy with Abba once again.
     You see when you’re in the spirit, you mind is shut off, disconnected from your nefesh(heart). Your heart dictates what you do in the Spirit. There is no thought process. You just do it. You are what your heart is. That is why guarding our heart’s is so important! Several years ago, I was talking to Abba and He brought a friend by to say hi to me and I yelled back at them angrily and said “this is my time with Abba.” Now of course, if I wasn’t in the spirit but in my physical presence, I would never have said that but because I was in the spirit “out of the abundance of the mouth spoke” Remember the be-attitudes in Mathew? Sermon on the mount? What did Yeshua say about adultery? This is how we operate in the spirit with our nefesh.
    This is also the same way lucifer operates in the spirit. His heart is all EVIL and he is the father of it. Every function he does is EVIL. He does not operate outside of that because that is what is in his heart. As where Abba does not operate in evil. He knows good and evil but His heart only does good because He is LOVE and it pours out of Him in that way. To be His children, the way we were meant to be, we need to follow and do what His Spirit is telling us. To walk in His thoughts, His actions, His love just as a true father would want us to. To be LOVE personified as Yeshua did by following the heart of Abba by HIS Spirit. 

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