Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Overcomer

     What makes people overcome? Relationship with God! You take that away and people will die spiritually, dead men walking. The institutional church is famous for that. In the movie “overcomer” by the Kendrick brothers, they had focus on repentance and beginning a new life in God. The standard institutional church’s scripture bandaid, 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” But there is so much more to that. We have become more than just new, we have become one with Abba now. The Holy Spirit is inside, to guide us, Yeshua our Rabbi, to teach us and Abba to be our Daddy, loving and caring for us! So how do we overcome? Let’s look at the spiritual side of things first. 
      Lucifer the Destroyer. A fallen angel who wants to destroy us and any part of Abba’s creation. He rules in the spirit realm on earth and in the heavens. His nefesh is all hate. It consumes him. Every action, every deed tells all. He uses his demons to put thoughts in our head and to give us feelings inside of us that are not our own. He does this to manipulate us to do his bidding by sinning, hurting others....etc. making us forget who we are in Yeshua. The only way to escape this is to know the word of God deep in our nefesh(heart) to know His heart, His mind, to overcome what demons say and do to us. To raise a standard against them! Through our Spirit, it has to flow out of us. Not just be in our mind. It has to make that 18” drop from head knowledge to the nefesh (heart). To deal with them at that level. We will never overcome, if we don’t believe it to be true. We need to have trust (faith) in Abba. When my father had passed away, I was in the shower, when a demon was trying to convince me to take a little bit of water in my hand and drowned myself so I could see my father. How pathetic the demon sounded but I said to it “I would not see him, I’d see you!” Immediately it left and I heard my father‘s favorite song and my dad said something to me very personal. I could see it a mile away what the demon was trying to do. That’s how we are to overcome. When the demons bother us on whatever, it has to be so repulsive in our nefesh to know it’s wrong and hurting Abba, sinning against Him. What’s in our nefesh (heart), we will do in the spirit. That’s how we also talk to Abba, in the spirit, through our nefesh.
     So now to the physical side. The demons will and do put feelings inside of us that are not our own. They use our senses against us. If we don’t have discernment and the word of God, we are sitting ducks. That 18” drop comes into play and it’s game on. We are to raise a standard against it. Any form it is trying to get us to sin and remove us from Abba. We are to know the enemies tactics and see it coming a mile ahead. To get to that point, we need to be in prayer, asking Abba to help us. Getting His word into our nefesh, loving only what Abba loves. We need to guard our hearts(nefesh) “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks“ The demonic activity will always be there to make us stumble but guarding our hearts will help us overcome. Why? watching bad movies or shows, purposely hanging in areas that hate God etc....things that obviously would change you from within and corrupt your spirit. You are hardening your heart to the Spirt’s nudging.  Now if the Holy Spirit leads you into that area to witness or to help someone that’s a whole other story.
      So the next question is why is God allowing all this to happen? He’s shifting the wheat from the tares. Plain and simple. He needs us to overcome. To be not of this world, but to be sons and daughters of righteousness. To walk in the spirit hearing Him, doing His will like Yeshua did.
     In the movie “Tribulation” though not spirituality accurate, they have this one scene that Lucifer speaks about his hate and it is spot on!
lucifer - “Revelation 13, and the whole world wondered after me, and they worshipped me saying who is like unto me and it was given unto me to make war on the saints and to conquer them. Everyone who takes my Mark will be with me forever because I want lots and lots of company in that eternal lake of fire. Every soul that I win will be a soul that he loses and to me that is the greatest victory of all. Do you think that I care about them? (laughing) They are nothing but meaningless pawns in a game as old as time. You see, I use to sit up there, in heaven, right next to Him. I was the most glorious angel of them all. I was a bright and shining star. I was a twinkle in God’s eye. Then one day, I made a unpardonable sin. I suddenly realized that I was just like Him.
Helen - “You are nothing like Him. God loves the world. He died for His world. You just want the world to die for you and now you are deceiving people into giving up their eternal souls, just to get even with God. Do you think you’re in control? Because you’re not.”

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