There have been several areas in the Bible that people skip over or just plain ignore like when Yeshua died & rose from the dead, so did a whole bunch of other people too. Matthew 27:52-53. It was “The Walking Alive” or Lazarus part 2. I’m sure it looked crazy. They woke up and walked out after 3 days. Tons of people were there because of Passover. The very ones that needed convincing who Yeshua is. People had to take off the clothes so they can breathe like they did for Lazarus and I’m sure the clothes stank, yuck. And yet the Jews still didn’t believe? Well in my opinion, I believe when Yeshua went to paradise to get them, the ones that had a hard time to chose and didn’t belong in Sheol, Yeshua used them and they went back. Just like today, when people go to heaven and are sent back. Anyway, so why do people ignore the “garden of eden” or “garden of the Lord” being there till the flood? It was there and it is the foreshadowing of the millennium reign.
We know the Garden represents the New Jerusalem(heaven) coming down to the new heaven & earth. Revelation 21, When Abba will be living with us once again when Yeshua has death under His feet and gives back the authority to Abba but the foreshadowing time between the fall and the flood is “the millennium reign.” A restored version but still shifting the wheat from the tares before our final destination in the age to come. Paul said "For He must reign until he has put all His enemies under His feet. The last enemy that will be abolished is death." In 1 Corinthians 15:24-28 it explains what Yeshua did and what He will do, so He can hand the kingdom back over to Abba. “Then the end, when He would give over the kingdom to God and Father, when every leader and every authority and every power will be brought to an end. For it is necessary for Him to reign until the time when He would place all His enemies under His feet. Death is the last enemy being abolished: for “He subjected all things under His feet.” (Ps. 8:7) and when He would say that all things have been subjected it is clear that the One who subjects all things to Messiah is Himself excepted but when all things would be subject to Him, then also the Son Himself would have been subjected to the One Who subjected all things to Him, so that God would be all in all.”
So what will the millennium reign be like? I was only told it will be different. Like thats going to help but I know not all of us are going to be there. It says in Revelation 20:4-6, it speaks of only the people that died during the tribulation. I know this much, I was there with my kids & my husband and I saw my wedding. I also know Paul says all must give an account. Yeshua needs to sift the wheat from the tares. That can’t happen if all your life you were in the New Jerusalem(heaven). The babies that were aborted/ killed, children before 13, people whom were mentally ill and those who couldn’t choose, etc...all must give an account. I also hope I get to spend that 7 years in the New Jeruaslem(heaven) before we go back. I’m thinking Abba will rapture us but we will be in suspension, a holding pattern, till tribulation is over. Then we will come back with the ones that must give an account, with the ones who died during tribulation and the ones who are on the earth. Remember, time is nothing to Abba. The ark represents the rapture. We will be in the third phase of the earth. I also know one thing, the ones that get saved during the tribulation, are going to be even more surer of their salvation and be able to witness to the most hardened of hearts. We will need that, because even the very elect will be deceived.
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